August 6, 2014

I'm Back!

I've moved!
I've married!
I've changed my name!
So much has changed in my little world but I'm happy to say that I'm back in to paper and back into life!

What a crazy 24 months it's been! I won't go into all the details but let's just say my life is TOTALLY different than it was two years ago and in such a great, great way. I'm married now to a really wonderful guy who showers me with undevoted love and is a lot of fun to share life with.
Valentine's Day 2014
We just happened to match that night!
Everybody say "awwwweee" with me.

And I've gained three daughters in the deal. With having just one son before I met my hubby, life was about Legos, bike crashes (the peddal variety - he's only just barely 7), Star Wars weapons and stinky dirty socks. Now I get to learn about cool hair braids, share my earrings and have some interested baking partners, not to mention their interest in paper and crafting!

Me and the lovely little ladies.

The biggest news from all of the changes is probably that my last name is no longer Kean. Because of this better-than-I-could-ask-for change, I've had to rework my papercrafting blog brand, my blog name, email and a host of other related things.

With that, I'd like to invite you to start following me on my new blog at

There's sure to be a lot of newly inspired projects. I'd love to have you join me! Come along!

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